DPT 601 Human Anatomy   5 credits (in-person lab 60 hours)

Normal human anatomy with an emphasis on structure and function of the musculoskeletal system. Includes human cadaver dissection.

DPT 602 Applied Physiology   4 credits

Study of human physiology with an emphasis on cellular level structure and function of the musculoskeletal, neurologic, integumentary, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. Relationships between structure and function as a basis for understanding pathological processes. Foundations of exercise physiology as a basis for application in the physical therapy setting.

DPT  603 Clinical Neuroscience   4 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Detailed study of the structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems including phylogeny and morphology, developmental anatomy and microanatomy. Relationship between neural structure and function and human motor control and sensory processes.

DPT 611 Patient Care Skills I   3 credits (in-person lab 60 hours)

Introductory course in skill development in basic tests and measures, interventions and patient management processes in the physical therapy practice setting including the patient/client management and ICF models.

DPT 612 Patient Care Skills II   3 credits (in-person lab 60 hours)

Continuation with the development of basic skills in tests and measures, interventions and patient management in physical therapy practice.

DPT 621 Clinical Pathology   4 credits

Study of alterations in normal structure and function of the human body with an emphasis on the musculoskeletal, internal organ systems, integumentary, cardiovascular, pulmonary and central and peripheral nervous systems. Includes pathophysiological conditions typically encountered in the physical therapy setting.

DPT 631 Clinical Pharmacology   3 credits

Provide a foundation in understanding the medications used across the lifespan to treat a variety of diagnoses commonly seen in clinical practice. Emphasis will be on anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants, musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiopulmonary pharmacotherapy in relation to adverse clinical reactions. Additionally, this course introduces pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics principles, potential drug interactions seen in patients/clients receiving physical therapy and integrate these principles with common pathologies.

DPT 641 Professional Engagement I: Introduction to the Profession of Physical Therapy   3 credits

First in a series of seven courses to prepare students as ethical, moral, responsible and accountable physical therapists. Emphasis in the first course on the history of the profession, US healthcare system, Code of Ethics and Core Values.

DPT 642 Professional Engagement II: Professional and Interprofessional Practice   3 credits

Second in a series of seven courses to prepare students as ethical, moral, responsible and accountable physical therapists. Emphasis in the second course on introductory legal and ethical issues in physical therapy practice, psychosocial considerations in patient management and the interdisciplinary team. Students will develop skills in self-assessment of professional behaviors.

DPT 643 Professional Engagement III: Education and Psychosocial Skills in Physical Therapy   3 credits

Third in a series of seven courses to prepare students as ethical, moral, responsible and accountable physical therapists. Emphasis in the third course on the teaching and learning process and the application of psychosocial, legal and ethical issues in physical therapy practice. Opportunities for case studies as a basis for legal and ethical reasoning.

DPT 661 Movement Science   4 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Integrated study of the foundations for human movement including applied anatomy and physiology, biomechanics and kinesiology for assessing and treating movement dysfunction in physical therapy practice.

DPT 732 Clinical Imaging   3 credits 

Provides an overview of the basic principles, purpose and process of imaging analysis applied to patient/client management in physical therapy practice. Basic interpretation methods of assessing radiographic imaging and application of findings to physical therapy examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and interventions are included. Additionally, the ability to demonstrate clinical judgment and recognize diagnostic imaging findings that trigger a medical referral is emphasized.

DPT 744 Professional Engagement IV: Leadership and Management in Physical Therapy I   3 credits

Fourth in a series of seven courses to prepare students as ethical, moral, responsible and accountable physical therapists. Emphasis in the fourth course on introduction to administration and management in physical therapy practice.

DPT 751 Critical Inquiry I   2 credits

First in a series of three courses to prepare students to understand, analyze and utilize the professional literature to critically integrate evidence into clinical practice. Emphasis in the first course is on the concept of evidence as a foundation for clinical practice and the research process.

DPT 752 Critical Inquiry II   2 credits

Second in a series of three courses to prepare students to understand, utilize and critically analyze professional literature and to integrate evidence into clinical practice. Emphasis in the second course is on understanding how the research process builds evidence.

DPT 762 Primary Care in Physical Therapy   2 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Application of the patient/client management model as a basis for development of skills of systems review, history-taking and the components of the general medical physical examination. Use of screening for impact of morbidities and co-morbidities and formulation of a physical therapy diagnosis and plan of care.

DPT 771 Integumentary Physical Therapy   2 credits (in-person lab 30 hours) 

Application of the patient management model in patients with integumentary and lymphatic disorders including diagnostics and pharmacology.

DPT 772 Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I   4 credits (in-person lab 60 hours)

Application of the patient/client management model in patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Diagnosis and evidence-based management of the patient with disorders of the upper quarter and spine emphasized.

DPT 773 Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II    4 credits (in-person lab 60 hours)

Continued application of the patient/client management model in patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Diagnosis and evidence-based management of the patient with disorders of the lower quarter and spine emphasized.

DPT 774 Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy   3 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Examination, evaluation and management of the patient with cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders common to physical therapy practice.

DPT 775 Neuromuscular Physical Therapy I   4 credits (in-person lab 60 hours)

Application of the patient/client management model in the adult patient with neuromuscular disorders. Examination, evaluation and management of the patient with neuromuscular disorders common to physical therapy practice. Emphasis on disorders primarily affecting lower motor neuron, cranial and peripheral nerve disorders and the spinal cord injury.

DPT 845 Professional Engagement V: Leadership and Management in Physical Therapy II   3 credits 

Fifth in a series of seven courses to prepare students as ethical, moral, responsible and accountable physical therapists. Emphasis in the fifth course is on the application of administration and management in physical therapy practice.

DPT 846 Professional Engagement VI: Communication and Professional Behaviors in Physical Therapy   2 credits

Sixth in a series of seven courses integrated throughout the curriculum to prepare students as ethical, moral, responsible and accountable physical therapists. Emphasis in this course is on integration of affective skills and behaviors as part of a health care team.

DPT 847 Professional Engagement VII: Practice as a New Professional   2 credits

Seventh in a series of seven courses to prepare students as ethical, moral, responsible and accountable physical therapists. Emphasis in the seventh course is on preparation for entering the physical therapy employment setting and licensure.

DPT 853 Critical Inquiry III   2 credits

Third in a series of three courses to prepare students to understand, utilize and critically analyze the professional literature to integrate evidence into clinical practice. Emphasis in the third course is on participation in the scholarly process.

DPT 863 Geriatric Physical Therapy   3 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Application of the patient/client management model in the older adult. Concepts of and challenges to healthy aging and maintenance of optimal quality of life. Management of age-related disorders commonly seen in the physical therapy practice setting.

DPT 864 Pediatric Physical Therapy   4 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Physical therapy management of primary and secondary conditions common to the pediatric physical therapy setting. Emphasis on the evaluation, examination, management and family-centered care.

DPT 876 Neuromuscular Physical Therapy II   4 credits (in-person lab 60 hours) 

Continued application of the patient/client management model in adult patients with neuromuscular disorders. Emphasis on the management of traumatic, acute and chronic brain disorders and complex neuromuscular disorders.

DPT 877 Orthotics and Prosthetics   2 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Concepts and application of orthotic and prosthetic devices in patient management with an emphasis on the lower extremity.

DPT 878 Special Populations Physical Therapy   2 credits (in-person lab 30 hours)

Physical therapy management of patients with co-morbidities impacting primary physical therapy diagnosis including patients with cancer, genitourinary, pelvic floor, vestibular and balance disorders, and complex medical disorders as well as physical therapy in the emergency department.

DPT 879 Health Promotion and Wellness   3 credits

Fundamental concepts of health promotion, fitness, and wellness for individuals and populations within physical therapy practice.

DPT 882 Clinical Experience I   4 credits (clinical internship)

First of three full-time experiences to provide students the opportunity for hands-on professional practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Supervised practice in tests and measures and interventions with patients with multiple morbidities. Practice in the complexities of patient/client management.

DPT 883 Clinical Experience II   6 credits (clinical internship)

Second of three full-time experiences to provide students the opportunity for hands-on professional practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Supervised practice in tests and measures and interventions with patients with multiple morbidities. Continued practice in the complexities of patient/client management.

DPT 883 Clinical Experience III   6 credits (clinical internship)

Third of three full-time experiences to provide students the opportunity for hands-on professional practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Supervised practice in tests and measures and interventions with patients with multiple morbidities. Continued practice in the complexities of patient/client management. 

DPT 891 Clinical Decision Making in Physical Therapy Practice   3 credits

Clinical reasoning and decision-making utilizing case scenarios that require students to develop and modify plan of care based on patient response.