NU 252 Perspectives of Professional Nursing   3 credits

This course provides an introduction to the profession of nursing. Emphasis is placed on the introduction to person-centered care, population health and professionalism. Selected concepts related to quality and safety, interprofessional practice and health care delivery systems are also introduced.

NU 253 Perspectives of Professional Nursing   3 credits

This course provides an introduction to the profession of nursing. Emphasis is placed on an introduction to person-centered care, population health, scholarship for nursing practice and professionalism. Selected concepts related to quality and safety, interprofessional practice and health care delivery systems, are also introduced.

NU 280 Health Assessment   3 credits

(2 theory, 1 lab)
This course provides theory and technical skills to prepare the student to conduct comprehensive health assessments. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition, processing and interpretation of data collected from adult clients. Variations throughout the life span and with diverse populations are addressed. Patient education and communication strategies are introduced.

NU 290 Pathophysiology   4 credits

This course provides the basis for understanding the human responses to actual and potential threats to health. Acute and chronic physiological reactions of the body at the cellular, local and systemic levels will be examined.

NU 320 Pharmacology   3 credits

This course examines various classifications of drugs and the effect of each on the human body. Emphasis is placed on physiological reactions to medications, as well as the appropriate nursing roles in the safe administration, monitoring, evaluation and education of clients and families.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of all courses in prior semester.

NU 335 Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing   5-6 credits

Accelerated Option: (3 theory, 1 lab, 2 clinical)
Traditional Option: (3 theory, 1 lab, 1 clinical)
This course provides an introduction to the nursing process and use of clinical judgment, with an emphasis on communication and developing a compassionate, caring, person-centered relationship. Emphasis is placed on providing quality and safe care to diverse adults using an evidence-based approach. (6 credit hours and 5 credit hours)
Co-requisites: NU 280; NU 290 

NU 350 Adult Nursing I   5 credits    

(3 theory, 2 clinical) 
This course focuses on the application of person-centered care with adults experiencing interruptions to health. The course examines selected pathophysiologic disorders with a focus on the appropriate nursing interventions and therapeutic modalities needed to achieve optimal levels of wellness.
Prerequisites: NU 320 (must be taken concurrently) and successful completion of all courses in prior semester.

NU 360 Mental Health Nursing   3 credits  

(2 theory, 1 clinical) 
This course examines the nursing care of clients with ineffective coping skills and/or mental illness. The course focuses on the etiology and symptomology of the major mental illnesses while emphasizing delivery of person- centered care. Using the nursing process, a variety of evidence -based nursing interventions and treatment modalities are studied. Clinical experiences are provided to apply nursing interventions, compassionate care, therapeutic communication, and collaboration with the health care team. 
Prerequisites: NU 320 (must be taken concurrently) and successful completion of all courses in prior semester.

NU 370 Maternal-Newborn Nursing   3 credits

(2 theory, 1 clinical)
This course applies the nursing process when providing care to women, newborns and families. Evidence-based practice and ethical principles are used to guide clinical judgment when providing the highest standards of care to maternal populations. This course emphasizes a family-centered approach to providing nursing care. Additionally, it incorporates the consideration of social determinants of health, diversity, equity and inclusion and health policy when providing compassionate care. Anticipatory guidance, including family-centered education, health promotion, illness/injury prevention and parental roles, will be examined. 

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters.

NU 380 Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research   3 credits

This course provides an introduction to evidence-based nursing practice and research. Students will critically appraise the best evidence available and integrate evidence-based practice and quality improvement into the role of a baccalaureate prepared nurse. Emphasis is placed on the components of the research process, including legal and ethical considerations and the professional nurse’s role in evidence-based practice and quality improvement.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters. 

NU 401 Maternal-Child Nursing   5 credits

(4 theory, 1 clinical)
This course applies the nursing process when providing care to women, children and families. Evidence-based practice and ethical principles are used to guide clinical judgment when providing the highest standards of care to maternal and pediatric populations. This course emphasizes a family-centered approach to nursing care through the application of principles of growth and development. Additionally, it incorporates the consideration of social determinants of health, diversity, equity and inclusion and health policy when providing compassionate care. Anticipatory guidance, including family-centered education, health promotion, illness/injury prevention and parental roles, will be examined. 
Prerequisites: NU 320 (must be taken concurrently) and successful completion of all courses in prior semester.

NU 405 Aging Adult Nursing   3 credits

This course applies the knowledge and experiences gained in adult health to the specialized care of older adults. The physical, psychological, societal, legal, ethical, cultural and financial challenges for the aging population are discussed. Health promotion and illness prevention, while considering the impact of chronic illness, are examined. Knowledge and understanding related to loss, grief, dying and death for clients and families are explored.
prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters.

NU 408 Adult and Aging Adult Nursing   8 credits**

(6 theory, 2 clinical) 
This course focuses on the application of the nursing process with adult and older adult clients and families experiencing interruptions to health, which require increasingly complex nursing interventions. The course examines selected pathophysiologic disorders with a focus on the appropriate nursing interventions and therapeutic modalities needed to achieve optimal levels of wellness through evidenced-based practice and clinical judgement. Loss, grief, dying and death for clients and their families are discussed. Opportunities to apply nursing interventions, therapeutic communication, compassionate care and collaboration with the health care team in the clinical setting are provided.
Prerequisites: NU 320 (must be taken concurrently) and successful completion of all courses in prior semester.

NU 410 Pediatric Nursing   3 credits

(2 theory, 1 clinical) 
This course applies the nursing process when providing care to children and families. Evidence-based practice and ethical principles are used to guide clinical judgment when providing the highest standards of care to pediatric populations. This course emphasizes a family-centered approach to nursing care through the application of principles of growth and development. Additionally, it incorporates the consideration of social determinants of health, diversity, equity and inclusion and health policy when providing compassionate care. Anticipatory guidance, including family-centered education, health promotion, illness/injury prevention and parental roles, will be examined. 
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters. 

NU 425 Health Care in the United States   3 credits

This course provides opportunities to discuss and apply concepts related to values and ethics, health policy, health care delivery systems and healthcare economics and finance. Stakeholders of the health care system will be discussed in relation to their role in healthcare politics, advocacy and diversity, equity and inclusion. The impact of quality improvement on the health care outcomes will be examined.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters.

NU 427 Professional Nursing Concepts   5 credits

This course provides opportunities to discuss and apply nursing research and concepts related to health policy, health care delivery systems and healthcare economics and finance. Stakeholders of the health care system will be discussed in relation to their role in healthcare politics, advocacy and diversity, equity and inclusion. Students will critically appraise the best evidence available and integrate evidence-based practice and quality improvement into the role of a baccalaureate prepared nurse. 
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters.

NU 445F Nursing Care of the Maltreated

Nursing Care of the Maltreated examines various aspects of human maltreatment. Focus is on those most vulnerable and the aspects of health care issues that surround this population. The course includes the nursing perspective along with the other disciplines that respond to the needs of these clients and their families. Exploration of pertinent issues pertaining to maltreatment will be pursued. This course additionally provides an introduction to the understanding of forensic nursing. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to recognize the various types of maltreatment of people in all stages of life and to gain insight in the area of forensic nursing. The multidisciplinary approach to prevention, advocacy, and treatment will be addressed.
Prerequisites: NU 335


NU 445J Mission Nursing in Guatemala        

This course offers an opportunity for students to work beside nurses, doctors, other healthcare professionals and lay volunteers in rural settings in Guatemala. Students will be participants in a one-week mission project sponsored by the Prairie Lakes Church, Cedar Falls, Iowa.  Transcultural and Christian aspects of caring are emphasized in Guatemala, and in learning activities associated with the course. 
Prerequisites: NU 355 

NU 445N Complementary Therapies & Alternative Healing

This course will introduce students to transcultural healing practices. The social and cultural contexts will be discussed, compared and contrasted to the western or modern medical system. Students will examine the research on their therapy of interest and discuss the rationale for inclusion of that therapy in a treatment plan for patients. Students will address the efficacy and cost effectiveness of the therapy if integrated into the health care system.
Prerequisites: NU 335

NU 450* Community and Public Health Nursing   3 credits

(2 theory, 1 clinical) 
This course applies the nursing process in community and public health environments with the community as client. The focus is on public health principles, community assessment, health planning, health education, health promotion, risk reduction/disease prevention, social determinants of health, health disparities, health policy and major public health concerns. Diversity, equity and inclusion are considered when working with target populations. Clinical experiences focus on caring for population health in community and public health settings.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters.
* A service-learning experience is a component of this course.

NU 460 Nursing Leadership & Management   3 credits

This course analyzes leadership concepts and management roles of the nurse in the health care organization. The course examines communication, professionalism and clinical judgement from a leadership perspective. Focus will also be placed on building clinical judgement and implementation of evidence-based practice.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters.

NU 470 Adult Nursing II   5 credits 

(3 theory, 2 clinical)
This course focuses on the application of person-centered care with adult clients and families experiencing interruptions to health, which require increasingly complex nursing interventions. The course examines selected pathophysiologic disorders with a focus on the appropriate nursing interventions and therapeutic modalities needed to achieve optimal levels of wellness through evidenced-based practice and clinical judgement. Opportunities to refine nursing interventions and manage clients with complex, multi-system needs are provided. Therapeutic communication, compassionate care and collaboration with the health care team are emphasized.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters.

 NU 493 Transition to Professional Practice: Internship   7-8 credits

Accelerated Option: (3 theory, 5 clinical)
Traditional Option: (3 theory, 4 clinical)
This course emphasizes professional socialization and assists students to transition to the role of the baccalaureate prepared nurse. It provides further development in clinical judgement, time management, clinical priority setting, organizing and delegation. An intensive clinical experience provides opportunities for growth in the following areas: person-centered care, scholarship for nursing practice, quality and safety, interprofessional partnerships, information and health care technologies, professionalism and leadership. Students are provided with a variety of resources to assist with preparing them for the NCLEX-RN examination. 
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in prior semesters. Must be taken the semester of graduation. 

NU 495 Independent Study   1 to 4 credits

Guided study of an area of special interest to the student.

NU 495C Professional Practice: Clinical Experience   1 to 3 credits

This course provides additional clinical experience in a variety of nursing settings under the direct supervision of a qualified preceptor. Seminars will be used to facilitate discussion related to clinical issues and clinical practice.
Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in the clinical setting where this experience will occur.